

Prof. Dr. Matthieu Honegger

The cemeteries of El-Barga in Upper Nubia and the beginning of Neolithic in Africa

Beginn: 18:15 Uhr
Dauer: ca. 60 min

THE SOUTH GATE OF THE ANCIENT WORLD – Neue Forschungen zur Archäologie und Geschichte Nubiens und des antiken Sudan

Vortragsreihe in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Ägyptologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, MUAFS-Project, Adele Hartmann-Programm Prof. Julia Budka

The cemeteries of El-Barga in Upper Nubia and the beginning of Neolithic in Africa

A few years ago, excavations at the El-Barga site in northern Sudan revealed a hunter-gatherer cemetery containing nearly 50 graves, dated to the 8th millennium BC. Next to it, a more recent cemetery dating back a thousand years contained more than 100 individuals.  It represents the oldest necropolis of the African Neolithic period. The comparison between these two buried populations shows striking differences, both biologically and culturally.

Prof. Dr. Matthieu Honegger
Professeur d’archéologie préhistorique
Institut d’Archéologie / Université de Neuchâtel