
Save the date: Vortrag von Julie Anderson am 8. Dezember 2016

Fortsetzung der Vortragsreihe in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Ägyptologie der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, MUAFS-Project, Prof. Julia Budka

Neue Forschungen zur Archäologie und Geschichte Nubiens und des antiken Sudan

Donnerstag, 8. Dezember, 18.00 Uhr
Sacred Rams, Royal Statues and a Pyramid: reconstructing the ancient landscape of an Amun temple at Dangeil, Sudan

Julie Renee Anderson, Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, The British Museum

Archaeological excavations at Dangeil, a Nubian site roughly 350km north of Khartoum Sudan, have focused on a temple of the 1st century AD dedicated to the god Amun. Recently fragments of several royal statues, including the pharaoh Taharqo, were uncovered from within the temple.

The discovery of these early 7th century AD statues, upstream of the 5th Nile cataract, will necessitate a substantial re-evaluation of the previously accepted history of the period. Altars, ram statues and colourful architectural fragments, along with the discovery of a contemporary pyramid field are helping to establish an image of the ancient sacred landscape.

Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst, Auditorium
Gabelsbergerstraße 35, 80333 München

Vortrag in englischer Sprache | Eintritt frei