
Save the date: Sudan Day on Saturday, September 19th 2015

Sudan Day on Saturday, September 19th 2015

On our annual Naga Days, the project team will report on the rediscovery of a two-thousand-year-old royal city from the Kingdom of Meroë. The Naga Days provide an authentic insight into the excavation and restoration work on-site and its historical, architectural and artistic analysis and the technological infrastructure. The relevance of the project on a cultural-political level is evident by the financial aid provided by the Foreign Office and the State of Qatar. The Republic of Sudan has given the museum several long-term loans of objects from the Naga excavations.


10:00 – 12:30 Uhr


Naga international: Khartum – Doha – Berlin – München
Sylvia Schoske

Ein neuer Löwen-Tempel – Grabungskampagne 2014 – 2015
Karla Kröper

Restaurieren, nicht rekonstruieren
Jan Hamann

Ufo über der Wüste
Thomas Bauer

14:00 – 15:30 Uhr

Phönix aus der Asche: König Amanikharekerema
Josefine Kuckertz

Von Kiosken, Vorbauten und Kapellen
Alexandra Riedel

16:00 – 18:00 Uhr

Die Autonomie der meroitischen Kunst
Dietrich Wildung  

Datenberge – Datenbanken
Christian Perzlmeier

Überreiches Potenzial: Zur Zukunft des Naga-Projekts
Arnulf Schlüter

Teilnahme: € 15,-
Mitglieder des Freundeskreises € 10,-