Egyptian art’s clear, memorable lines are especially well-suited for tours aimed at people with disabilities. The content of the tours is discussed beforehand and presented by an experienced tour guide. This programme is financed through donations so we can offer it for free!
Our tours for the blind and visually impaired allows participants to touch and explore select original artwork from Ancient Egypt. In addition to the large statues in the exhibition, a “Touch Case”, containing fragments from our storage magazine and plaster casts of smaller, delicate objects, allows visitors to see objects that are behind glass.
Our tours for the deaf and hard-of-hearing use simple, clear language without too many complicated or unknown words to aid lip-reading. We are happy to accommodate sign language translators.
Tours for the cognitively/developmentally disabled or mentally ill focus less on imparting knowledge and more on providing an emotional experience through contact with ancient artefacts. Years of experience have shown that Egyptian animal depictions provide a good starting point.
In entspannter Atmosphäre bietet die KunstZeit Führungen für Menschen mit Demenz und ihre Begleiterinnen und Begleiter. Vor ausgewählten Kunstwerken ist ausreichend Zeit, eigene Gedanken, Gefühle und Erinnerungen einzubringen. Musikalische oder künstlerisch-praktische Akzente ergänzen das intuitive Entdecken.
The ArTime flyer with contact data and further information (in German)
For all our accessible tours, please plan far enough ahead so we can schedule them during quiet times.
The museum is completely accessible
Both underground levels are accessible by lifts. The entrance to the lift from the surface is at the back of the high entrance portal.
For visitors with mobility issues, we have folding chairs you can take down into the exhibition rooms. A limited number of wheelchairs, rolling walkers and rubber-footed canes (spiked winter canes are not allowed in the museum) are available at the information desk upon request.
In every exhibition hall, a braille inscription (in German) provides keywords on the subject of that room.
“Grasping Egypt” is an exhibition room dedicated to providing information on the art of Ancient Egypt (sculpture and reliefs) to the visually impaired. It covers the steps for sculpting a statue, various statue types and the materials used (with stones from Egypt itself). A special MediaGuide tour (included in the entrance fee) for the visually impaired provides additional information on the objects in this room. This room was made possible thanks to contributions from the Friends of the Museum Association.
Our MediaGuide also offers two accessible tours: “All-Inclusive” was put together by high-school (Grade 12) students for a young, hearing-impaired audience (German text and GSL) while another tour was developed by the visually impaired for the visually impaired and anyone willing to experience the museum a whole new way (in German).