Digital Museum
The Egyptian Museum pioneers many aspects of digital museum education. Throughout the exhibition, you will discover media stations on the subject of our main thematic rooms while our MediaGuide will play multimedia tour guide with interesting audio and visual information on individual objects.
But there are also a number of other opportunities to discover Ancient Egypt outside of your museum visit.
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The newsletter is only available in German.
Digitalisation Projects: Mudira and bavarikon

MUDIRA (Munich Digital Research Archives) is a collaborative project between the State Museum of Egyptian Art Munich and the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology of the Munich LMU, through which both institutions’ extensive image archives are digitalised and made accessible online. Some 50,000 images are already available.

bavarikon is an Internet portal sponsored by the Free State of Bavaria. It offers free access to important artistic, cultural and scientific masterpieces from Bavarian institutions as diverse as museums, archives, libraries government agencies, Heritage foundations and scientific research facilities. The Egyptian Museum’s contribution is constantly expanded.
Access an extensive collection of materials for teachers, students and families as well as our quarterly events programme on our downloads page.
Please note that not all material is available in English.