Excavations in Naga: the Fall 2016 campaign
Grabung in Naga: Die Herbstkampagne 2016
he Fall 2016 campaign in Naga took place from the mid-October to mid-December and mostly consisted of continuing work on Temple 1200. Now the whole east side, as well as large parts of the temple’s north and south sides, have been excavated and over 700 blocks of stone documented, slowly providing more details on the building’s decorative architecture. Particularly interesting are not only the fact that the temple was erected atop a podium, but also the distribution and architectural design of the individual rooms, as they are rather unusual in this particular form. Various additional architectural elements were found (wall blocks of various shapes, columns, capitals, bead moulding and cornices). All stages of excavation were documented using a photo drone, a tried-and-true method elaborated over the past few campaigns. Naturally, finds continued to be documented using the 3-D structure light scanner.

In parallel, a rubble pile right next to Temple 1200 was superficially cleaned, documented and measured. On this site, a building once stood that was made not of sandstone blocks, but of small boulders. After a preliminary cleaning, a floor plan is now partly visible. The first test trenches within the building suggest it, too, was raised on some sort of foundation

Work will continue in the middle of January. The spring campaign should see the end of excavation work on Temple 1200.