Children’s birthday party
Celebrate like the Egyptians! 7 years and up.
Ca. 2 hrs. or 2,5 hrs.
max. 15
€ 130.– for 2 hrs. / € 170.– for 2,5 hrs.
Registration necessary., by telephone: 089 28927626, Email: or online!
Why not celebrate your birthday in the Egyptian Museum? Our Birthday programme is full of fun:
Children can costume themselves at the start of the party, then they get a tour through the museum and crafts. Each theme also includes a group activity (treasure hunt, quiz, puzzle…) and an Ancient Egyptian fairy tale.
Please note: this birthday will be held in English! If you want to book a birthday party in German, please book via the Museumspädagogisches Zentrum MPZ.

Write me a vulture
How do the Egyptian hieroglyphs work? Find out in this programme!
A Snake on his Brow
How do you recognize an Egyptian king and why is he called Pharaoh? What’s the difference between the Red and White Crowns? Find out in this programme!
heka wer – Great in Magic
Magic was very present in the Egyptian culture. How was it used? Could it heal scorpion bites? Find out in this programme!
Please note that it will not always be possible to do all the activities on the programme. Our goal is to provide a happy and relaxed experience without hurrying the children along too much. Trust in our experience – we have almost 200 parties every year!
Please note that at least one parent must accompany the group at all times. Parents are responsible for the children.
Our programme is suitable for children 7 years old and up – children must already at least attend primary school to participate.
No Birthday without cake
The programme itself lasts about 2 hours. If you would like to eat cake or have a snack in the museum, we are happy to let you stay in our workshop rooms. In that case, simply book 2,5 hours (for 110€).
You can bring your own cake (no candles please!) or order a package deal from our Shopcafé: 089 – 289 27 774!
We ask that you do not exceed the 30 minutes time frame for eating. Please leave the room as you found it – help your tour guide clean up and take your rubbish with you when you leave.
Our workshop rooms are in the museum – please be considerate of others. Candles are not allowed.

Details of this offer
Length: Ca. 2 hrs. or 2,5 hrs.
Attendees: max. 15
€ 130.– for 2 hrs. / € 170.– for 2,5 hrs.
2 accompanying adults are included in the price
Payment method: Please pay your tour guide directly.
Rescheduling fee: Changes to booking: 5 € to be paid with the tour fee on the day of the tour.
Cancellation fee: Only written cancellations (e-mail, fax or snail mail) are valid. Cancellations more than 7 working days before tour date: free Cancellations up to two working days before tour date: € 10.- Cancellations less than two working days before tour date: full price (without cost of materials)